I've been down in the dumps lately. Way down. And although, I'm still not feeling all that, this has made me feel a little better, if only for a split second. Why, with all the butter, cheese, white bread, and milk, how could it not? This is Martha's mac-n-cheese stolen from this wonderful website. This is the second time I've made it, only the first time it was better because my croutons were smaller, which, in 6 months (because that's how long it'll take to work off the calories), I will make that way.
I guess my trip home to Hawaii has made me even more homesick to go back. This, in turn, has strengthened my desire to win the lottery, so I can breathe in the salty air from the porch of my imaginary beach front cottage. Working at my job with all its crazy management issues has not helped any. I need another vacay, a forever long trip to the spa, where I can receive lomi lomi massages everyday and pay someone to remove my blackheads (again, another reason to win the lottery).
Instead, I'm off to wal-mart to buy hangers and bleach. Maybe, I need another smidgen of that mac-n-cheese.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
the ultimate food for comfort
Posted by hulagirlcooks at 5:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: dinner
hubby's 29th!
I had some of his favorite dishes planned for dinner. But, he had other ones in mind. He got word today that he's going to Germany in a little more than a week for a twenty-four day business trip. So, he was rushing to get paperwork done, thus, making for a long work day. In addition, he had already made plans to hold his fantasy football draft with a bunch of his buddies at their local hangout, since I really had not planned to be home.

Posted by hulagirlcooks at 5:22 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 5, 2008
basic brownies
Happy post 4th! Having been saturated with every which way to make ribs on tv, in magazines, etc., my very own husband, made a batch oh so delicious very good ribs. I don't know what he did, something about mustard and a spice rub, but jimeny crickets, they were even good cold. I had to work, but I made a batch of brownies from my Martha Stewart Baking Handbook. I had all the ingredients and they were so super easy, I didn't even need my mixer. Her recipe can be found here. I prefer this more fudgy brownie over the cakey kind, but next time, I'd probably experiment with a better chocolate, I used 2 4 oz. ghiradelli bittersweet bars, but maybe callebaut or something of the like next time. I bet these would even be more decadent with a ganache or a cream cheese frosting.
I have not been very inspired in the cooking department lately. Maybe once I get my thyroid under better control, life will run more smoothly. I have even seriously thought about cutting my hours at work and hiring a housekeeper to conserve my energy. In fact, I have definitely decided on the latter, and am excited at the prospect of me not having to scrub bathrooms and tile floors each week. My husband joked, "now, this isn't the sort of deal where you clean before the housekeeper comes to really clean, is it?" Haha, probably. Below, lifted straight out of the pan, slightly warm, because there's nothing like a warm chocolate something with some cold, cold milk.
Posted by hulagirlcooks at 8:50 AM 0 comments
Labels: dessert
Friday, June 27, 2008
the spanish rolls that weren't meant to be
Posted by hulagirlcooks at 1:49 AM 0 comments
Labels: breakfast
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
technical difficulties
My computer crashed! While I'm waiting for a dell representative to help me fix it without losing all of my recipes and pictures (yes, I was a dummy and didn't back up my hard drive), hulagirlcooks will be down for just a little bit. Sorry folk(s).
Posted by hulagirlcooks at 12:29 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
THE hulagirl meatloaf
Posted by hulagirlcooks at 3:54 PM 1 comments
Labels: dinner
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
cherry stained hands
I will forever be envious to people who own cherry pitters. I just got through reading a book called Seeing Me Naked by Liza Palmer and she writes about an amazing cherry clafouti; she even provides a recipe at the end of the book. Coincidentally, I was walking through my local grocery store when they had bags and bags of them on sale. Upon, getting home and popping one in my mouth, they were one of the best on sale cherry batches I had ever bought. I was so excited. Cherry clafouti is a French dessert, a cross between a pancake and custard. I hear that, traditionally, you keep the pits in. I found this recipe through foodnetwork.com by the man,
Alton Brown.
I found several ways via the world wide web on how to pit a cherry beyond using a paring knife, like the paper clip method. Four cherries later, and many more curse words, contemplating just a leaving the pits in or dumping out the cherry halves that had the pits, I found the best way is to split the cherry in half, grab a pointy end, and pull the pit out. To the right, my pitiful pitting job.
Posted by hulagirlcooks at 1:45 PM 1 comments